1971年 山形県新庄市に生まれる
1992年 陶芸を志し信楽へ
1997年 退社後 信楽 大谷司朗氏に師事
2000年 第29回日本伝統工芸近畿展入選
2001年 独立して創作活動を始める
2005年 信楽 陶園にて個展
2007年 第54回日本伝統工芸展入選
2008年 日本工芸会準会員になる
2009年 京都「CRIA展」に出品
信楽 陶園にて個展
2010年 第21回秀明文化基金賞受賞
2011年 韓日陶芸家交流陶磁展に出品
2012年 第59回日本伝統工芸展入選
2013年 第60会日本伝統工芸展入選
2014年 渋谷東急本店にて個展(2015,2016,2019)
2017年 そごう横浜にて個展
2018年 日本陶磁協会奨励賞関西展入選
2020年 第24回美濃茶盌展入選
滋賀県立陶芸の森 開設30周年記念 特別展 奇跡の土 出品
2021年 第8回陶美展入選
2024年 第53回日本伝統工芸近畿展 滋賀県知事賞受賞
1971 Born in Shinjo City, Yamagata Prefecture.
1992-1997 Employed by Ceramic Company.
1997 Apprenticed to ceramic artist, Shiro Otani, Shigaraki.
2000 Accepted for the 29th Annual Kinki District Dentokogei (Traditional Craft) Exhibition competition.
2001 Established studio and commenced independent ceramics work.
2005 Solo ceramics show at the Shigaraki GALLERY-TOUENN.
2007 Accepted for the 54th Annual National Dentokogei (Traditional Craft) Exhibition competition.
Solo ceramics show at Gallery Nin in Shibuya, Tokyo.
2008 Became an Associate Member of the Japan Craft Association (Nihon Kogeikai.)
Duo ceramics show at Seibu Department Store, Otsu Branch.
2009 Accepted to the Kyoto CRIA Exhibition for young artists, sponsored by the Kyoto Arts and Culture Association and the Kyoto Art Center.
Solo ceramics show at the Shigaraki Ceramics Park.
2010 Won the Shumei Cultural Foundation Prize.
2012 Accepted for the 59th Annual National Dentokogei (Traditional Craft) Exhibition competition.
2013 Accepted for the 60th Annual National Dentokogei (Traditional Craft) Exhibition competition.
Solo ceramics show at Seibu Department Store, Otsu Branch
2014 Solo ceramic show at Tokyu Department Store, Shibuya, Tokyo(2015,2016,2019)
2017 Solo ceramic show at Sogo Department Store,Yokohama
Solo ceramic show at Seibu Department Store,Otsu Branch.
2019 Solo ceramic show at Tokyu Department Store, Shibuya, Tokyo
2020 24th Mino tea-bowl(chawan) Exhibition competition
Accepted for the 67th Annual National Dentokogei (Traditional Craft) Exhibition competition.
Tha Shigaraki Ceramic Culture Park Exhibited in the special exhibition "Miracle Clay-Three Views of Shigaraki Ware"
2021 8th Toubi Exhibition competition
Satoshi Arakawa
Hosohara 827-52
Koga City
Shiga Prefecture
Japan 529-1836
Tel: 0748-82-3870